Cardio Q50

High-capacity built-in memory
for data convenience

• 30 min full disclosure
• 500 ECG data

Maximized built- in battery operation

  • Rechargeable Li-ion battery supports
    10 hrs / 350 ECG data printout capability*
    * Battery hour can be varied by temperature & humidity environment.

8″ wide capacitive touchscreen

  • 1,024 X 600
  • Color wide display with clear contrast resolution

Barcode scanner for easy patient registration


Cardio Q50 is designed for optimized workow for maximizing the eective procedures and accuracy with an alphanumeric keyboard as well as information security measurement applied.

Go paperless – Optional thermal printer

Optimized design for paperless & cost-effective printer option with A4/Letter sized report format

Optimized AUTO button

AUTO button offers “Simple Workflow” from acquisition to documentation in 3 sec

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